The rest of the nodes are performance related, these are:.
frontend nodes can be found at frontend/vehicles/// (i.e.
frontend (pretty much racer exclusive, used to set up manufacturer and secondary logos (which are stored in FRONTB\FRONTB.LZC)).
For traffic vehicles, the nodes are found in ecar/default/traffic/.
For cop vehicles, the nodes are found in ecar/default/cops/.
For racer vehicles, the nodes are found in ecar/default/racers/ (i.e.
ecar (deals with wheel positions, ride height, etc.).
For traffic vehicles, the nodes are found in pvehicle/default/cars/traffic/.
For cop vehicles, the nodes are found in pvehicle/default/cars/cops/.
For racer vehicles, the nodes are found in pvehicle/default/cars/racers/ (i.e.
pvehicle (dictates what nodes will be used for performance and frontend, also is where stuff like the car's mass, sounds, mesh and collisions are set).
Amongst other things, this houses the car's performance, wheel positions, etc.
Attributes files store the game's VLT database.
CarTypeInfos (mesh entry, stock car color, others).
GLOBALB.BIN stores basic data such as the car's mesh entry, stock car color, collisions, parts, etc.
NFSMW cars are comprised of the followingīesides the geometry, textures and vinyls, NFSMW stores the essential data related to the car in two places: GLOBALB.LZC and attributes files (GAMEPLAY.LZC, GAMEPLAY.BIN, FE_ATTRIB.BIN and ATTRIBUTES.BIN) Remember to have NFSMW Unlimiter installed to get addons to work properly.
Some image editing program able to open/save.
ZModeler 1.07b (modelling program) or some modelling program capable of exporting to.
Binary - to edit the data contained in GLOBALB.lzc, also can edit strings, import/export textures from.
NFSCarToolkit - to compile geometry, textures.
General Information ^(note: the previous version of this documentation, which revolved around the old mod tools, can be found here) General Information | Tutorials | Parts and files